During its annual First Look event at CES 2024 on Sunday night, Samsung unveiled the world’s first transparent MicroLED display. Although the cost and availability of this technology in retail devices remain undisclosed, Samsung showcased its transparent MicroLED alongside transparent OLED and transparent LCD models to emphasize the distinctions between the technologies. The MicroLED panel not only exhibited significantly greater brightness compared to the others but also featured a frameless design and a more transparent glass panel, enhancing visibility of objects behind it.
In person, the impact of Samsung’s transparent Micro OLED displays is challenging to articulate, creating a hologram-like effect as content appears to float in mid-air. The freestanding demo unit, measuring just about a centimeter thick, further contributed to the illusion of a floating screen. Additionally, the high pixel density of micro LEDs resulted in exceptionally sharp images.
A Samsung spokesperson noted that transparent MicroLED displays, owing to their higher brightness relative to transparent OLED panels, are less affected by ambient light. However, the downside is the current high cost of Samsung’s non-transparent MicroLED TVs, with a 110-inch model priced at $150,000, making these new displays a distant prospect for affordability.
Interestingly, Samsung’s rival, LG, also showcased a large transparent display at CES this year—the OLED T. Unlike Samsung’s model, the OLED T is set to be available for purchase this year. Described as the first wireless transparent OLED TV, it boasts 4K resolution and utilizes LG’s wireless transmission technology for audio and video. Building on the M3 model from the previous CES, the OLED T incorporates a contrast screen that rolls down into a base box, allowing users to raise or lower it with the press of a button.
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