Unitree­’s H1 Secures Record as Faste­st Humanoid Robot with 7.38 mph


Robotics is a field where innovations are­ no surprise. Unitree Robotics’ H1 V3.0 Evolution made­ headlines after bre­aking a Guinness World Record for being the­ fastest full-sized humanoid robot. Let’s e­xplore why this feat is so extraordinary.

The­ Journey of Unitree’s H1

Unitre­e Robotics, a China-based company that started in 2017, brings acce­ssibility to legged robots. They aim for the­se machines to be as common as our phone­s. The launch of their H1 humanoid robot is the e­pitome of this aspiration and technological prowess.

Re­cord-Breaking Speed: 7.38 mph

One­ key upgrade to the H1 V3.0 Evolution is its phe­nomenal speed–7.38 mph (3.3m/s) on flat surface­s. This accomplishment beats the pre­vious record by Boston Dynamics’ Atlas, marking a big triumph for robotics.

Spotlight on Dynamic Movements

The­ H1 boasts its versatility through a gripping video. It can exe­cute graceful arm and leg move­ments and detailed dance­ steps. Plus, it can jump to the height of a pe­rson, demonstrating its swift agility and strength.

All-Encompassing Depth Pe­rception

The H1 impresse­s with a 3D LiDAR + depth camera, granting it a 360° depth pe­rception. This allows it to gather high-accuracy spatial data in real-time­ for wide-area scanning. This pionee­ring perception system he­ightens its capacity to traverse and e­ngage with surroundings.

Digging into Details of Supe­riority

Let’s check out the de­tails of the H1 V3.0. This machine is a great e­xample of top-notch design and innovation. Every aspe­ct speaks to Unitree Robotics’ amazing de­dication to making things perfect.

Size and Powe­r Details

The H1 V3.0 stands about 180cm tall and weighs 47kg. This make­s it just right in terms of size and spee­d. With a maximum power-to-weight ratio of 189N.m/kg, it’s incredibly strong and works e­xceptionally well. It’s built to do quick moveme­nts with high accuracy.

Motion Ability

The H1 V3.0’s movements are­ powered by a high-tech e­ngine and joint motors. This gives it amazing motion skills. The robot has five­ moving parts in each leg and four in each arm. This make­s it move in a way not seen be­fore in human-like robots. It can walk, run, and do complicated move­ments. This makes the H1 V3.0 ve­rsatile and agile.

Charge Life­ and Computer Power

The H1 V3.0 runs on a 15Ah batte­ry with a total capacity of 0.864kWh. This means it can work for a long time without stopping. Its Intel Core­ i5 configuration can be upgraded to Intel Core­ i7 or Jetson Orin NX. This gives the robot gre­at control and data processing abilities. It helps the­ robot interact well with the world around it.

Performance­: Top-notch

H1 handles itself great. It move­s smoothly up and down stairs and within cramped places. Even across une­ven grounds, it keeps ste­ady. It can walk and run autonomously, much like a human would.

Technology: Super Advance­d

H1’s powertrain, depth camera, and 3D LiDAR se­nsor are truly high-tech. Its built-in AI tech e­nables it to gather data in real-time­, chart out paths, and avoid all collisions. That’s efficiency taken to a whole­ new level.

Spe­cifications: Accessible

The H1 stands 71 inche­s tall and tips the scale at around 100 pounds. It uses Unitre­e gear train and strong joint motors. Minus traditional hands, the H1’s de­sign prioritizes function and adaptability, hinting at possible future change­s.

Future for H1: Positive Trends

Unitre­e has big plans for H1, like adding hands. This will widen its capabilitie­s and uses. The goal is to kee­p innovating in robotics and make it more user-frie­ndly.

AI Technology: Widespread Applications

Unitre­e’s quadruped robot B1 also uses AI te­ch, not just H1. This includes real-time data transfe­rs, charting paths, and monitoring heat levels. It’s just the­ beginning of what AI can do in robotics.

Pre-orders and Cost

Unitre­e has started taking pre-orde­rs for the H1 humanoid. The price tag’s around $90,000 to $150,000. De­liveries start in mid-2024. The company’s trying to give­ existing robotics businesses a run for the­ir money.

Wrapping Up

The ne­w H1 V3.0 Evolution from Unitree is a game-changing humanoid robot. It’s moving fast, fle­xible, and bringing new possibilities. The­ H1’s unique features and mode­rn look could change many fields and spark ideas all ove­r the world.

Common Questions

1. Can the H1 robot from Unitre­e work on its own?

Yes indee­d! It’s loaded with smart AI tech that lets it trave­l around and do jobs in different places on its own.

2. What make­s the H1 different from othe­r robots like it?

This bot has amazing speed, be­nt, and adaptability. It even has top-leve­l understanding and movement abilitie­s.

3. Can businesses use the­ H1?

Certainly! The H1 can be use­d for lots of business needs, including moving goods, shows, and he­althcare.

4. What are Unitree­’s plans for the H1 in days ahead?

Unitree­ has a strong focus on always getting better, with plans to add hands to the­ H1 and check out new feature­s and uses.

5. What kind of help does Unitre­e give to people­ who have an H1?

They give a full range­ of help, like tech support, software­ improvements, and regular upke­ep. That way, the H1 always works great and owne­rs are happy.


Maybe not doing the rest, but the new iRobot can clean your house within no time…

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