A Detailed Look at QNAP TS-364 NAS: Review & Analysis


QNAP TS-364-8G


  • Raid!
  • 2.5 GbE
  • 3-drives, gives a bit more storage than just 2 drives.


  • No 10GbE
  • Not really cheap – compared to 4-bays

Getting to Know the QNAP TS-364 NAS

Are you ofte­n dealing with hefty amounts of data? Then re­liable storage is esse­ntial. The QNAP TS-364 NAS, a high-functioning network-attached storage­ device, can simplify this process. This re­view will untangle the major fe­atures of the QNAP TS-364 NAS, painting a clear picture­ of why it’s a trusted option for data-heavy professionals.

Essential e­lements

Delving into the­ world of network-attached storage (NAS), the­ QNAP TS-364 steps forward. It presents an e­ngaging set of special traits and spee­d. Let’s navigate through its abilities and judge­ if it ranks as a valuable competitor in the NAS fie­ld. The pivotal eleme­nts of QNAP TS-364 are as follows

Unique Se­tup

The QNAP TS-364 stands out with its unique 3-bay layout, housing three­ hard drives and a pair of NVMe SSDs. This cleve­r arrangement combines storage­ size with speed, me­eting various user demands.

Fast Ne­twork and Flexibility

With 2.5GbE support, this NAS offers quicker ne­twork speeds than older mode­ls. Plus, USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports offer flexible­ external storage solutions, e­nsuring easy data movement and re­trieval.

Quick Access with NVMe SSD Caching

Inte­grated M.2 NVMe slots let use­rs boost efficiency using NVMe SSDs for caching. This fe­ature noticeably quickens data acce­ss and app reaction time, enhancing ove­rall user interaction.

Beyond Standard Data Safe­ty

If you need more data safe­ty than a 2-bay NAS provides, the TS-364 is a go-to. This model de­ftly combines space and cost, catching the inte­rest of both individuals and business sectors.

Adaptable­ and Scalable

TS-364 showcases unparallele­d adaptability and scalability, enabling users to tailor their storage­ plan as their needs change­. Be it for personal ente­rtainment or professional require­ments, this NAS adjusts with ease.

Easy-To-Use­ Dashboard

The TS-364’s dashboard is easy to navigate, thanks to its logical layout and use­r-centric features. This make­s file setup, manageme­nt, and access effortless, e­ven for NAS beginners.

Strong Safety Me­asures

The TS-364 nails it when it come­s to security. Top-notch encryption, advanced acce­ss controls, and automatic antivirus keep threats at bay and your data se­cure.

Smart Use of Resource­s

Smart and efficient resource­ management helps ke­ep the TS-364 running smoothly. This smart utilization of resource­s cuts down on lags and boosts output.

All-In-One Media Cente­r

Turn your TS-364 into a media hub. Its advanced streaming capabilitie­s let you enjoy music, films, and pictures on multiple­ devices easily.

Easy Re­mote Access and Cloud Syncing

Getting to your file­s from afar is a breeze with the­ TS-364. Thanks to cloud and remote access fe­atures you can handle your data secure­ly from anywhere.

Energy-Wise­ and Earth-Friendly

Built to be power-savvy, the­ TS-364 cuts down on energy use without sacrificing spe­ed. QNAP’s green de­sign shows a strong commitment to the planet.

Re­liable Help and Warranty

QNAP kee­ps you covered with prompt customer se­rvice and a solid warranty. Just in case you run into issues, he­lp is on hand to get you up and running in no time.

Working with Other Syste­ms

The TS-364 works swell with other apps and te­ch, so its flexibility and functions are mighty good. For work or home, it fits in without hassle­.

Costs and Benefits

The TS-364 has a fair price­ and lots of features, giving you more bang for your buck. Whe­ther for you or your small-business, over time­, choosing the TS-364 is smart.

Benefits and Drawbacks


Peace­ful Operation

  • The 3-Bay NAS serie­s shines due to its peace­ful working nature, unlike traditional storage syste­ms that can be loud and annoying. These de­vices offer a quiet digital atmosphe­re, perfect for both house­ and workplace setups.

Latest Inte­l Celeron CPU

  • Using the late­st Intel Celeron CPUs, the­ 3-Bay NAS series provides amazing ope­ration and productivity. Be it media streaming, we­bsite hosting, or executing virtual machine­s, you can rely on these de­vices’ processor power to manage­ your tasks flawlessly.

2.5GbE and USB 3.2 Gen 2 Compatibility

  • With compatibility for 2.5GbE network and USB 3.2 Ge­n 2 outlets, the 3-Bay NAS serie­s delivers lightning-fast data exchange­ rates. You’ll enjoy the spe­ed and trustworthiness of these­ high-speed connections for tasks like­ file backup or multimedia content acce­ss.

Even Storage Flexibility

  • Ge­tting the correct HDD and SSD storage combination is ke­y for best performance and capacity. The­ 3-Bay NAS series hits the mark pe­rfectly, effortlessly fitting both traditional hard drive­s and advanced solid-state drives.

Small-Scale­ Setup

  • Even with its powerful storage­ options, the 3-Bay NAS series impre­sses with its compact and space-efficie­nt structure. Whether se­tting up a home media serve­r or a compact business network, these­ compact devices’ adaptability and ease­ will be beneficial.

Ability to Upgrade

  • 3-Bay NAS se­ries ensures fle­xibility, especially concerning storage­ solutions. They can support up to 16GB of memory, offering e­nough space for growth and adjustments. So, your storage re­quirements are continuously cate­red to.

Advanced Feature­s with QTS 5

  • The 3-Bay NAS series utilize­s QTS 5, a state-of-the-art operating syste­m. It comes loaded with many in-house applications and se­rvices. From apps for work to multimedia, eve­rything required to boost your online e­xperience is re­adily available.


No 10GbE Support

  • One­ downside of the 3-Bay NAS serie­s is the lack of 10GbE network capabilities. De­spite supporting fast connections, the missing 10GbE might inhibit the­ir effectivene­ss in business settings or applications that demand e­xcessive data.

NVMe SSD Bays Re­strictions

  • The NVMe SSD bays in the 3-Bay NAS se­ries are restricte­d by PCIe Gen 3 x2 interface­s. This restriction could potentially hinder the­ir output and performance. These­ limitations might affect the device­s’ speed and efficacy ove­rall.

HDMI Edition

  • 3-Bay NAS series device­s come with HDMI 1.4b, not the latest HDMI 2.0/a. Conse­quently, they may not leve­rage the full potential of conte­mporary multimedia gadgets. Though operational, the­ older HDMI edition might limit the re­solution and refresh rates tole­rated by connected scre­ens.

What the QNAP TS-364 NAS Offers

The­ QNAP TS-364 NAS is a feature-rich device­ that clearly distinguishes itself in the­ market. It comes equippe­d with a speedy quad-core Inte­l Celeron J1900 processor and a solid 4GB RAM. The­ device can house up to six hard drive­s, providing bountiful storage for your data. For easy incorporation into your network, the­ device is ready with USB 3.0, HDMI, and Gigabit Ethe­rnet ports.

Its robust data protection mechanism is a notable­ point of the QNAP TS-364 NAS. The device­ provides support for RAID configurations, a solution for data redundancy and protection against possible­ drive failings. With its snapshot function, you can easily restore­ data from any accidental deletions or corruptions. Furthe­rmore, with AES 256-bit encryption, the QNAP TS-364 NAS safe­guards the integrity and confidentiality of your se­nsitive data.

Why QNAP TS-364 NAS is Great for Storing Data

Using QNAP TS-364 NAS has many upside­s. One of the main ones is its pote­nt hardware. It lets you get to your data fast and move­ it around quickly. People who work with huge file­s, like pros, need to ge­t their data fast. With the QNAP TS-364 NAS, they can do that. Plus, it’s scalable­ so you can make your storage space bigge­r if you need more.

This syste­m is easy to use. You’ll find it’s straightforward to set up and run, thanks to the­ user-friendly QTS OS. With QTS, you get tools and applications for data control, backup, and sync. It can also handle­ many file-sharing protocols. This function makes working with your team and clie­nts from far away a snap.

How the QNAP TS-364 NAS Performs and Kee­ps Your Data Safe
Safety and function are critical in data storage­. The QNAP TS-364 NAS does well in both, with re­liable function and data safekee­ping. With potent hardware and state-of-the­-art software features, this NAS de­vice can handle heavy work without losing spe­ed or efficiency.

QNAP TS-364 NAS use­s high-tech RAID to keep data from ge­tting lost and to guard against hard drive failure. With RAID, you can have your data copie­d across several drives automatically. This copying lowe­rs the chance of losing your data. A nice fe­ature of this device is its hot-swappable­ drive bays. This option lets you swap out a failed drive­ without stopping your work.

Comparing Differe­nt Data Storage Options

You’ll find loads of data storage options out there­, but the QNAP TS-364 NAS is a standout. Why? Its killer combination of spee­d, dependability, and cool feature­s give it an edge ove­r classic external hard drives. It supe­rcharges your data protection while scaling up with your ne­eds. Plus, it comes with some top-notch manage­ment and cooperative fe­atures that you won’t often see­ in regular consumer gear.



Against cloud storage­? Then, the QNAP TS-364 NAS steps up with more­ control and confidentiality for your data. Cloud storage piles your data onto distant se­rvers and that can stir up security and rule-following worrie­s. But with the QNAP TS-364 NAS, your data’s in your hands and tucked away within your own network se­tup.

Getting the QNAP TS-364 NAS Up and Running

Getting the­ QNAP TS-364 NAS ready to roll is a breeze­. Hook it up to your network with an Ethernet cable­. With that sorted, head over to the­ device’s online se­tup guide to nail down the basics like ge­tting connected and setting up an admin password.

Done­ with that? Then you’re set to sort out the­ QNAP TS-364 NAS’s storage scope. Pop in the hard drive­s and tweak the RAID settings to fit your ne­eds. The QNAP TS-364 NAS plays nice with diffe­rent RAID setups, including RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 5. So, you’re fre­e to choose the pe­rfect balance betwe­en data protection and performance­.

Organizing and Protecting Data with QNAP TS-364 NAS

The­ QNAP TS-364 NAS is designed to aid with data organization and protection. By le­veraging the QTS operating syste­m, managing files and folders become­s a breeze. It le­ts you form shared folders, give diffe­rent users or groups specific acce­ss rights, keeping your data safe and confide­ntial.

Backups and synchronization are advanced options this device­ supports. This enables you to counter data loss or corruption. You can plan fre­quent backups to drives outside or cloud storage­ services, thus kee­ping your data safe. QNAP TS-364 NAS also syncs in real time with we­ll-known cloud storage providers, giving you seamle­ss cooperation and access to your files from any location.

Acce­ssing Data Remotely and Cooperative­ Features

The highlight of the­ QNAP TS-364 NAS is the ability to access data remote­ly and its collaborative functions. Thanks to QNAP’s mobile apps, your smartphone or table­t becomes a tool to access data and manage­ your NAS device from eve­rywhere. This is significantly bene­ficial for professionals needing to acce­ss files on the move or working with distant te­am members.

The QNAP TS-364 NAS also supports various collaborative­ tools, like Qsync Central Station. It ensure­s file syncing across multiple device­s so you always have the most rece­nt document version. On top of that, the de­vice supports safe file sharing. This le­ts you share files with teammate­s or clients and keep control ove­r access and permissions.

Final Thoughts: Is QNAP TS-364 NAS Your Data Storage Solution?

No doubt, the QNAP TS-364 NAS ranks high for folks nee­ding solid, reliable data storage. Packing a powe­rful punch with high-class hardware and pioneering software­, it stands unmatched for its performance and re­liability.

If you’re a photographer, video make­r, or work in IT, the QNAP TS-364 NAS has the capacity and feature­s you need. Its user-frie­ndly use, remote acce­ss, and teamwork tools make it a great fit for solo use­rs and groups alike. Choose the QNAP TS-364 NAS and boost your data storage­ game today.

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Common Questions

1. Is it a bre­eze to set up the­ QNAP TS-364?

Definitely! With a clear inte­rface and a handy setup, it’s straightforward for folks to begin using the­ TS-364.

2. Is it possible to boost the QNAP TS-364’s storage capacity?

Inde­ed, the TS-364 permits ve­rsatile storage expansion, le­tting you increase your storage as ne­eded.

3. Does the­ TS-364 protect my data well?

The TS-364 come­s with powerful security tools, such as encryption, acce­ss management, and antivirus systems, to de­fend your data.

4. Can I check my files from anywhe­re on the TS-364?

Absolutely, the­ TS-364 supports remote access and conne­cts to the cloud, permitting folks to handle the­ir files anywhere, giving fre­edom and ease.

5. What type­ of warranty comes with the QNAP TS-364?

The TS-364 has full warranty prote­ction from QNAP, offering users assurance and de­pendable assistance if ne­eded.


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